Holy Toledo! How is it Thursday!?
I'm linking up with Neely for It's ok Thursday!

The following things are A-ok to me..
*That I almost ended the life of a small child at Starbucks today because he came extremely close to spilling his hot chocolate all over my mac. There would have been blood if it had happened.
*That I have been at Starbucks for a little over an hour and had two peppermint mocha's already. {sleepy much?}
*That my professor not only cancelled class the Wednesday BEFORE but the Monday AFTER Thanksgiving as well. Score!
*That while riding the bus to campus this morning the boy sitting next to me smelled so delicious I may or may not have scooted a little closer.
*I graduate college in less than a month. This is actually not ok, it scares the living shit out of me.
*That I was in a real foul mood last night but good attitude Kelsey is back.
*That I used my new Moraccan Oil hairspray {heaven in a bottle} as perfume this morning because I ran out of me. Judge me.
*That even at the old age of 24 my Christmas list is still rather long.
*That I'm having such a good hair day I thought about taking a picture of it on my laptop..but people started staring.
*That I have watched this scene from Glee approxiamtly 15 times because I'm obsessed with this remix of the song..and Darren Criss.
*That while I have been at Starbucks I was suppose to be doing homework {puhlease} but, instead facebook stalked every person on my friends list practically.
All of those things are completely a-ok with me for the day!
What are you ok with?!

this is the cutest post! I LOVED that scene from Glee but the Adele mashup from last night was perfection also! such a cute blog! xoxo