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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Give Thanks!

Well, well, well...looky what we have here! Another Monday...

I wanted to write a post about what all I am thankful for since Thanksgiving is this WEEK. How did it become holiday season already!? I feel like I was eating shoving my face  just last week for Thanksgiving. However, I'm not complaining it is that time of year again!

I give Thanks for the following...

1. Mama & Daddy
I know everyone says that they have the best parents in the world but I really do have the best parents in the world. I have had a really rough year and they have been nothing but supportive and loving! I love all of my family and they are all amazing but my parents are my rock! Love you mommy & daddy!

2. February 2, 2009. 

On February 2, 2009 I was in a car wreck that you can see in the pictures wasn't very pretty! I give thanks everyday to whoever/whatever was watching over me that day! Both air bags deployed and I didn't have any breaks or bruising in my face which usually happens when your airbag deploys. My seatbelt completely detached from the car from the impact and I somehow managed to stay in my seat and being completely fine. I had to have reconstructive knee surgery and was in a leg brace and crutches for 8 weeks. I am beyond lucky that that is all that happened to me and I thank God everytime I get in the car and drive every single day. I'm thankful to be alive and perfectly fine. 

3. Jeni's ice cream
Yeah, I put an ice cream on my give thanks list. I can't help that I'm a fatty. But seriously, this is the best ice cream ever! A lady here in Columbus started it and it is TO DIE FOR. Her flavors are wild and crazy but so delicious at once. I'm not really thankful for this delicious treat but my thighs and ass are.

4. My health
I'm thankful I wake up every morning with a roof over my head and a healthy life. 

5. My job!
I'm thankful I finally have a job where I really enjoy doing what I do and enjoy EVERYONE that I work with. Speaking of my job..I know my boss lady found my blog and reads it now...HIIIIIIIII Holly! Thank you for giving me such a great opportunity with Bubbles!

Last, but not least....

6. My Friends & {rest of} 

Sorry I know it's really picture heavy but my family and friends are all so wonderful and I am so lucky to have them! Thank you all for everything you do and I'm so thankful for you!

I have so much to give thanks for and am a very lucky girl! My heart goes out to those who are not as lucky as am! 



  1. Cute! I'm thankful you weren't injured either {well besides the knee situation}. I'm waiting for the day when I'm not anymore haha your parents are so cute!

  2. wow, so glad you are ok from that wreck! those pictures look scary! and people should always be thankful for great friends and family :)


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