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I'm a fashion obsessed, lip gloss lover, nail polish hoarder, wine loving, easy going individual.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The time I rambled.

Oh hello there!
How ya been? How was your weekend?
I don't know why I'm typing in bold font today but I like it.

I have nothing to blog about today.
But, let's be real 99.7% of the time I have nothing to blog about and attempt to make it sound like I do and really all I manage to do is bore all of you to death.
Just like I am doing now.

These last few days I've been very annoyed. I'm not talking like someone forgot to text me back annoyed {but i do hate that.}
No, no, no.
I'm talking like the..

-Takes the very last bottle of water and doesn't replace any in the fridge so there isn't any cold ones
-Uses the last sheet of toilet paper and leaves the empty roll on the dispenser but yet gets up to get a new roll and leaves it sitting next to the toilet
-Complains about people using improper grammer and spelling. Listen, I slept through any class involving grammar and spelling. My blog, my rules. I really do try I just happen to be really sucky at it. Please don't yell at me!
-Paint my nails and then smudge my nails 3 seconds later
-When you are waiting for a tredmill to actually run but the highschool girls walking at a speed of 2.2 and texting the boys across the room are taking them up
-When your iphone will only hold a charge for up to 5 hours {pinterest,facebook, and twitter have NOTHING to do with wearing the battery down} and you forget to bring your charger with you


Those are just a few things that have happened to me in the past few days. I know I don't usually complain about things on my blog! But, phew! Sista has gotta complain!
Have you ever had a day{s} where you just want to scream and rip your hair out?

However, it wasn't all bad today. I got to participate in my first photo shoot, and by photo shoot I mean hair photo shoot.
Columbus Alive is a magazine here in Columbus and they are doing a story on braids as a trend and the hairstyle at my salon was featured and came up with this lovely number.

I promise tomorrow I will be more upbeat. 
Actually, that's a lie. I will either be VERY happy or VERY sad. 
I meet with my knee doctor one last time and he will tell me if I have to have one final knee surgery.
Thoughts and prayers please.

Ok, I'll shut up now.

Peace out.


  1. Girl I have days like this ALL THE TIME!! You're not alone :) I love the hair style!

  2. I completely agree. Your blog=your grammar! :) Cheer up, friend!! the week is half over! :)

  3. Definitely not alone in all of that! I sometimes just have word vomit on my blog too, but like you said, my blog=my rules. LOVE it! And that hair style is GORGEOUS!!


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