I have lived in Columbus for all 23 years of my life (soon to be 24..gag) and I love everything about Columbus with my whole heart! But, for the last few years I've just felt like there is something bigger and better for me somewhere else.
I'm studying fashion at school and just feel like I will not be able to expand career wise in Columbus, therefore, I have decided..i will.move.
I have narrowed my destination to five cities and hopefully if the job god's are in my favor will let me find something within those cities.
1. New York City, NY
This is a given. Anyone that is in LOVE with fashion would want to move here. Don't get me wrong it would be a complete 180 seeing as how the town I grew up in has nothing but corn fields and sometimes there is more farm equipment on the road than cars! But, it would be a perfect place to start fresh.
2. Boston, MA
Boston is b-e-a-u-tiful. I soley want to live there just because it is so pretty. That's all.
3. Austin, TX
My best friend moved there in August and has fallen in love with this city. I've heard nothing but good things about Austin. Always some kind of music festival (i love music!) I also just really want to move anywhere in Texas because I'm convinced that Tim Riggins from the tv show Friday Night Lights does in fact exist and I would like to marry him.
4. St. Michaels, MD
My mom was born right outside of St. Michaels and it is my favorite place in the world. It is beyond gorgeous and it is so peaceful and breathtaking. I wouldn't be able to work in a retail corporate office in St. Michaels but all my family lives out this way so it would be worth it.
Fun Fact: Wedding Crashers was filmed in St. Michael's, MD
5. Chicago, IL
Everyone loves Chitown. So, why wouldn't I want to move there!? AND it's only a 5 hour drive from home and a 45 min plane ride!
Who knows where I will end up in this world but I can not wait for a new adventure!
In other good news this little gem is coming home from Austin in 6 days to spend my birthday weekend with me! I'm so excited I could cry!