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I'm a fashion obsessed, lip gloss lover, nail polish hoarder, wine loving, easy going individual.

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my reason for living


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why should I even be blogging?

It's 11:31 pm on a Saturday night and I'm trying to figure out how to get this blog back up and running. I recently took a vacation with my family to a lake in Maryland and it had me thinking about a lot of things that I want to try and/or improve. Blogging just happened to be one of them. So, that in fact leads to me explaining why should I even be blogging? 
I chose to blog because I am sick of reading the same stuff everyday, ie: facebook, twitter, CNN, etc. I feel like it is the same thing over and over again. So, I thought why not start taking this blogging thing serious and read different stories from so many different areas? I know a lot of people right now in my own "personal circle" that will somehow read this blog and make fun of make and send it to others making jokes, but at this point, I just don't really care about what others think anymore! 
So, that being said, please bare with me and help me figure out this thing! Because, I know I will need it.
Enjoy your Saturday evening kiddos.


1 comment:

  1. Kelsey--so glad you sent me your blog, finally. I don't think a blog is anything to make fun of and if people do, maybe they are jealous, I don't know..but that's lame. haha I just read how you are doing the Tone it up girls challenge..I am a huge advocate of them. Amazing. I hope it works well for you!


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